Sunday, August 10, 2008

Almost Core Stroganoff

Almost Core (Cream soup is not a core ingredient)
Core plus 1 point per serving.
Serves 6

Brown Rice or Whole Wheat Noodles, cooked
Browned Hamburger 93 % seasoned with Garlic Salt, Pepper, onion or dried onion
FF Sour Cream
FF Milk
1 can Cream soup (Cream of Chicken or celery or mushroom)
Soy sauce

Brown Hamburger, add spices and onion. Add a can of cream soup and a little milk (maybe 1/4 C.). Heat through, then add about 1/4-1/2 C. sour cream. Serve over cooked rice or noodles. Top each plate with soy sauce. Itried doing it without the soup and it did not taste good.

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