Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Core Lasagna


WW noodles, raw
FF cottage cheese
FF mozarella cheese
Spaghetti sauce (not core unless you make your own, so I just count a point for sugar)
about 1 lb. Hamb 93% seasoned with onion or dried onion and garlic salt and pepper

In a glass baking dish (for easier cleanup) pour some spaghetti sauce in the bottom and spread to barely cover. Put a layer of raw noodles, do not overlap. Top with sauce, then meat, then cottage cheese, then cheese. Repeat starting at the noodles. After this second layer do one more layer of noodles, sauce, cheese. Cover with foil. Bake at 350 for an hour. Pull back foil, pierce lasagna with fork to see if noodles are done. When I make for my family I make one portion that is made this way, the rest I make with regular (not WW) noodles, regular cottage cheese, regular cheese, regular hamburger. I mark mine with spaghetti noodles laying on the top. THe reason I make theirs with regular food is for the cost difference and there is a slight taste difference, but mainly the cost.

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